Marketing Strategy. Planning Strategy Concept. Business, technology, internet and networking concept. Marketing automation

By: Tali Hasanov
Digital Marketing Consultant
WSI Digital Path

Marketing automation is something that we experience all the time. When you book a flight and get an email thanking you for your booking and showing you other related travel services that you might be interested in, this is the job of a marketing automation tool and process. Marketing automation allows you to create a really personalized, one-to-one interaction with your customers on a mass scale so that your communication goes out to the right person at the right time.

Traditionally, things like lead generation, customer retention and marketing require quite a lot of manual labour. Today, marketing automation tools can automate many of the mundane tasks for you. If people visited certain landing pages on your site and submitted their email address for more information, for example, a marketing automation tool can make sure that they receive the right follow-up information from your business.

There are a number of ways that marketing automation can benefit your business, including the following:

Increased Efficiency And Productivity

Every time someone has to manually enter consumer details into a database, compile an email with relevant information and follow up with the customer, a lot of time gets used. This time can be applied more efficiently when a marketing automation tool takes care of the process for you and the result is that your staff will be more efficient.

Fewer Lost Leads

Salespeople don’t always have the ability to keep track of every lead, not to mention where that lead is in their sales journey. A marketing automation tool can be set up to make sure that leads do not slip through the cracks and that reminders are distributed when a salesperson needs to make contact with a client again.

These are only a few of the ways that your business can benefit from marketing automation. As a digital marketing agency, we help many brands create efficient and high impact automation strategies for everything from their email marketing campaigns to content marketing and lead generation strategies. 

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